
ACO Travel grants

Gain knowledge of international best practice or contribute your time and skills to a disadvantaged community (either in remote Australia or overseas) with the aid of an ACO Travel Grant.

Grants range from $200 – $1000, depending on the category. They are available throughout the year but must be applied for at least 6 weeks prior to the travel, for the best chance of success.

Travel grant categories

  1. Conferences – National and International
    Attend a national or international scientific or professional meeting in order to present a paper or a poster, or to take some substantial official role (other than chair of a session) in the meeting
  2. Overseas Study Tour
    Undertake an overseas study tour to develop knowledge of best practice in optometry through visiting one or more centre(s) of excellence
  3. Voluntary Optometry Service
    Provide voluntary optometry services to a disadvantaged community, either in remote Australia or overseas, under the auspices of a recognised aid agency or program